Broker filer code list. Corporate Office Retail Location.
Broker filer code list. Customs and Border Protection.
Broker filer code list ADDRESS INFORMATION . Surety Reference Number: A 9-digit self-generated surety reference number that a surety may opt to submit to CBP instead of a social security number to As this is subject to change, it’s recommended you periodically check in with the CBSA or your customs broker. . Brokers are listed by name or by company. Importer Security Filing 044 – Can customs brokers use the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) system to file the Importer Security Filing (ISF)? Importer Security Filing 043 – How do I obtain a U. The entry number is comprised of the three-digit filer code, followed by the seven-digit entry number, and completed with the one-digit check digit. ***** Acting Commissioner of Customs Samuel H. “Preclassification/binding ruling number” means the system by which classifications are approved and assigned a unique identifying number. Sorted by Filer Name . The listing will be updated periodically. If the data is correct as shown, attach this sheet to the top of the CF7501. button in the organizational broker account allows users to view PGA documents associated to their filer code. A customs broker is setting up my in-bonds for me. Program Code 3: 1M. www. Oct 9, 2024 · Every entry number submitted by a customs broker will start with their designated 3-digit filer code and will contain an additional 8 digits after the filer code. HACIENDA HEIGHTS: CA: US: 714-787-8477: EB6 "K" LINE LOGISTICS (USA), INC. 2024 Filer Code Permit Account Name City Name State Country Code Work Phone Number Work Phone Extension Email Address; 8FG "E" Customs Clearing Inc. CBP will assign a unique 3 character (alphabetic, numeric, or alpha numeric) entry filer code to all licensed brokers filing CBP entries. When a broker signs the bond application, the Bond Team requires the broker to include its 3-character filer code in the signature section of the application. fhkaysing. Contact details for C. Broker Reporting Requirements – Revised language in the Submitting Documentation and Reporting to CBP list related to This document is a list of filer codes and names for U. Corporate Office Retail Location. It contains over 800 entries with the filer code, filer name, and company name for each registered customs filer. Fax number: Street Address 2: Zip Code: New Broker Filer Information The resources listed below contain all of the information filing personnel may need to successfully file their policies and endorsements with the California SLA. Request PAPS support for this broker. Banks Approved: February 17, 1998 Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury If an importer does not have an assigned entry filer code, or if the Assistant Commissioner, Office of International Trade, or his designee, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section refuses to allow use of an assigned entry filer code, the importer or broker shall obtain forms with a CBP assigned pre-printed machine readable entry entry filer code list by filer code 19 cfr 142. Contact details for John A. 721 Logistics 97E. Responsible Supervision and Control – Added language on general broker duties and responsibilities. Website. 71 KB 01/04/2024 CBP FILER CODE: CBR: MARIA NECCI CUSTOM BROKER INC: CBW: HOI TING: CBX: Filer code List. , as appropriate, are to be used. US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for CEVA International Inc. The list is organized alphabetically by filer name. PGA D. They are not entitled to see Importer or Broker statements that do not contain their own filer code. 2AT Logistics LLC. US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for John A. Clicking on the person’s name will reveal their business address and contact phone number. Program Code 2: 1L. emotrans. In the organizational broker account, at the top of the . The “Check Digit Modifier” must be numeric Loading. customs filer code list customs filer code search us customs filer codes customs filer code lookup customs broker filer codes list us customs broker filer codes list list of customs codes customs office code list customs broker filer code customs procedure code list Broker Filer Code. gov. Customs and Border Protection FILER-CODE FILER-NAME 8NJ 1 CLICK CUSTOMS INCORPORATED QE6 123 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If the License Number and Issue Date are a valid combination, but associated with a: i. pagejones. customs and border protection filer-code filer-name 002 jf moran co inc 003 porter international inc. com BorderBuddy is a licensed customs broker that offers white label customs Mar 3, 2025 · The following documents contain the technical requirements for transmitting automated data to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI). IEW . Fill out your broker filer code gl5 online with pdfFiller! pdfFiller is an end-to-end solution for managing, creating, and editing documents and forms in the cloud. EARCH FOR AND . Email. Robert Botero Chb Licensed Customs Broker Filer Code Wgb National Permit's top company is Zhejiang Minzo New Materials with 891 shipments. Search for location Map location can Filer may be a broker or an importer of record filing his own entries through ABI without the use of a broker. When entry is made for FDA-regulated products, importers or their customs broker/entry filer will include the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) code in the entry submission. Importers, brokers or carriers seeking a filer code, must write a letter to the Port Director of the port where their entries are filed, to the attention of the Broker Management Officer. G. 1UP Cargo. Search for location Map location can Broker Filer Code. #98765. Contact details for Flexport US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Flexport Broker Filer Code. 006 pacific customs house brokers 007 marvin h parker inc 008 port brokers inc 009 quast & co 010 reedy forwarding co 011 royal freight brokers 012 shannon brokerage co. 71 KB 01/04/2024 CBP FILER CODE: CBR: MARIA NECCI CUSTOM BROKER INC: CBW: HOI TING: CBX: TA-015 Broker Permit Contact List 12. (brokermanagement@cbp. Feb 19, 2025 · Customs Brokers and Customs Broker License applicants should refer to this webpage for information and announcements. com. Block 2 – Entry Type Broker Filer Code. If you are also a broker/self-filer, supply the filer code that will be used when conducting business with CBP: CBP Form 5106 (2/16) 2D. Filer code List. Website: 3C. 408. active, inactive, suspended or voluntarily suspended codes 01, 02, 03, etc. 71 KB 01/04/2024 CBP FILER CODE: CBR: MARIA NECCI CUSTOM BROKER INC: CBW: HOI TING: CBX: Aug 5, 2022 · 点击某一港口名称便可查看在该特定港口获准从事 CBP 业务的详细报关行名单,在这里,也可以进一步按报关行名称或 Broker Filer 代码来查找特定的报关行。 这里的 Filer Code 是 CBP 分配的字母数字代码,也可以在 CBP 7501 报税单的第一项 ENTRY NUMBER(入境编号)中 The broker or importer is responsible for ensuring that the check digit is computed by data processing equipment. BorderConnect’s U. Thus designating us as the Customs Broker Filer Code 002. 014 wilmington shipping company 015 wm stone & co Entry Filer Code List . (d) Misuse of the entry filer code. com: Broker - View PGA Documents October 2024 Publication No. 9. (i. The carrier will attach a PAPS sticker to the commercial invoice and inward manifest form (or write it on the paper) provided by the shipper and fax it to the broker to advise · The "PSC filer" is a new field within ACE which identifies the filer that submits the PSC. 555 Customs Brokers. Inc. After picking up the shipment, the carrier assigns a unique PAPS number to it. 7. What is eFiling? In November 2022, the CPSC launched a beta pilot test of an eFiling initiative. 10. US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Kintetsu World Express (USA) Inc. Within 10 working days, an ISF filer code will be assigned to the company. Search for location Map location Broker/ Filer Code Surety Reference Number. Search for location Map location can't Contact details for Kintetsu World Express (USA) Inc. In order to receive a CBP filer code from U. Search for location Map location PAPS and PARS barcode labels come in sheets starting at 180 labels (90 PARS and 90 PAPS). Provide the D-U-N-S Number for the Importer: 3D. Customizable with your company name, Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC), carrier code, shipment control number, cargo control number and a filer code box for PAPS labels to optionally include a customs broker filer code. 记录 11 位字母数字代码,入境编号由 3 位申报人代码(filer code),7 位入境编号(entry number)和 1 位校验码(check digit)组成。 入境申报人代码(Entry Filer Code)代表 CBP 分配给申报人或进口商的三字符字母数字申报人代码。 Sep 1, 2011 · ISF filer code是什么东西?出口到美国的货物,对方清关需要一份ISF信息表格。 这个要再货物从中国出口前24-72小时,发给客户。 如果ISF信息部准确,货物进口会有问题,要有罚金的。 I list below the name, broker license number, filer code, office address, and telephone number of the individual broker who will exercise responsible supervision and control over the activities of the applicant conducted under the national permit: J. Apr 5, 2017 · The format of this 11-digit number is ‘XXX-NNNNNNN-N’; with the ‘XXX’ representing an entry filer code assigned by CBP, ‘NNNNNNN’ is the unique number assigned by the broker or importer, and ‘N’ is a check digit computed from the first 10 characters based on a formula provided by CBP. Broker Management Handbook - CBP. US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for R. Enter the Check Digit Modifier. dhs. Size Date; Filer code table CSV: 184. All the data elements with a red asterisk are required or. 1. Execution Date Contact details for Seko Customs Brokerage US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Seko Customs Brokerage Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Sweetgrass-PAPS@anderinger. 551. These documents provide information for prospective ABI filers to initiate the process to file data electronically in ACE either as a new or existing ACE ABI filer. 27. service@borderbuddy. Search for location Map location can't be found Dec 19, 2016 · Importers should inform their broker when using PAPS and acquire the broker/filer code. US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for J. Email For Documents. 71 KB 01/04/2024 CBP FILER CODE: CBR: MARIA NECCI CUSTOM BROKER INC: CBW: HOI TING: CBX: Broker Filer Code: Provide a number that identifies the filer of the bond, whether a Customs broker or surety agent or other party authorized to file the bond. 71 KB 01/04/2024 CBP FILER CODE: CBR: MARIA NECCI CUSTOM BROKER INC: CBW: HOI TING: CBX: Feb 4, 2021 · entry filer code list sorted by filer code 19 cfr 142a(c) february 4, 2021 filer code filer name 002 jf moran co inc 003 porter international inc. 014 wilmington shipping company 015 Zipments customs broker directory includes both US and Canada customs brokers. Contact details for Dell Will Customs Brokers US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Dell Will Customs Brokers Provide the 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this business: 2F. 1641). Entry No. Only the PSC filer will be able to view the specific entry summary that was corrected. Surety Reference Number: A 9-digit self-generated surety reference number that a surety may opt to submit to CBP instead of a social security number to be used as a bond control number. Enter the seven digit numeric End #. Affiliated (EG6) AN Deringer (551) Bay Brokerage (BGK) Aug 4, 2008 · Brokers can view their own Broker statements as well as statements belonging to Importers (based on the Importer of Record (IR) for which they are Filers. Click here to explore the comprehensive list of certified brokers: https://lnkd. PGA Document. · If the PSC is filed by someone other than the entry summary filer, ownership of the entry summary moves to the PSC filer. ferrerbrokers. A1B. geodis. Here, you can learn the procedures for filing with us, access filing forms required by the State, and get started using our online filing portal, called SLIP. Broker Filer Code: Provide a number that identifies the filer of the bond, whether a Customs broker or surety agent or other party authorized to file the bond. They will then let you know you need to fill out some requirements that are found in cfr 19 111. The Assistant Commissioner, Office of International Trade, or his designee may refuse to allow use of an assigned entry filer code if it is misused by the Mar 5, 2024 · In addition, a licensed Customs broker who allows an unlicensed person to use his or her Customs broker’s license or filer code for purposes of engaging in “Customs business” subjects the Customs broker to monetary penalties and refusal by the Port Director of the Customs broker’s use of his or her assigned entry filer code. If the filer code does not match the code associated with the current permit, please contact the Broker Management Branch. , Suite 123, City, S. gov) e. Quick Broker codes list. Customs shall make available electronically a listing of filer codes and the importers, consignees, and customs brokers assigned those filer codes. INTRODUCTION . Alternatively, a customs broker with a valid POA may sign the bond application submitted to CBP. N/A: info@xglobl. The importer – be it a self-filer or broker – will use the first three characters of their Code for all CBP entries, irrespective of where they file the entries. Popular searches. Because this list is prospective and updated monthly, interested parties should not make any Filer code List. 19 I think and there you need 7 pieces of info. Locations. 2. 3a(c) I am still in the middle of trying to work this out and I will report back if I solve it. Once assigned a filer code, an importer, exporter, or carrier can conduct customs business under the same filer code, whether importing, exporting, or a carrier transporting Entry Filer Code List by Filer Name 19 CFR 142. (1) Assignment of entry filer code. Search for location Map location can't be found. The busier a port, the more brokers are likely to be registered at that location. us customs filer code list us customs broker filer codes list customs filer code search customs filer codes lookup us customs firms code list us customs country code list customs office code list customs broker filer codes list list of customs codes us customs harmonized code list First contact the port you want to be in. Contact details for Seafrigo USA Inc US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Seafrigo USA Inc Feb 26, 2013 · If the port director finds that an assigned entry filer code has been misused by the importer or broker, the importer or broker will be provided with written notice proposing the suspension or revocation of the entry filer code along with a description of the facts or conduct warranting the action. or. Each broker’s Filer Code is in brackets following their name. in order to obtain your filer code and register with US Licensed Customs Broker, ACELYNK is a Certified ACE and ABI Service. Office Building * Is the address in 2B, a: Street Address 2: Zip Code Contact details for CEVA International Inc. CBP will assign an entry filer code to certain importers filing CBP entries based on importer entry volume, frequency of entry filing, and other considerations. Robinson US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for C. Swearer Company, Inc. Name Website Email; xGlobl Inc. Jan 10, 2023 · 入境编号的前三位代表入境申报人代码(Entry Filer Code),是 CBP 分配给申报人或进口商的三字符字母数字代码,当入境申报人代码被分配并在系统中建立后,每个参与方都被标识为报关行、进口商、承运人或其他申报人,以及他们被授权提交入境申报的地区/港口。 Contact details for Livingston US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Livingston Popular searches. Attachment Ext. e. Mar 2, 2023 · Once you select both the state and the port of entry, you will see a list of brokers and their broker filer code. 13. FIRMS codes can be selected by name or address when known, or by entering the port code of the destination port to see all FIRMS codes available for that port. It is the number assigned by Revenue listing of filer codes and the importers, consignees, and customs brokers as-signed those filer codes. The broker’s signature line should read: Jane Doe, XYZ Customs Brokers / Krenz & Hannan International, Inc. 19 CFR 142a(c) February 4, 2021 Dec 4, 2024 · The list is updated monthly and gives the most recent outcome for each customs broker (entry filer). The CCS Designation is the market place standard - recognized and demanded by those who deliver and use customs services in Canada. license number whose status is other than: 1. (c) Pulication of entry filer codes. ABI 019 – How do I obtain a Filer Code that is required for ABI? ABI 018 – How will CBP validate the requirement of “one shipment, per person, per day, not to exceed $800”? ABI 017 – What is the new In-bond Export Date validation in the ACE Truck Manifest EDI message? ABI 016 – Is there a bond requirement for an Entry Type 86? Attention! Your ePaper is waiting for publication! By publishing your document, the content will be optimally indexed by Google via AI and sorted into the right category for over 500 million ePaper readers on YUMPU. Warehouse. export reporting procedures outlined in Title 15 & 19 of the Code of Federal CBP: Chages to the As such, if the finished product certificate relies on testing done on component parts, such certificates must list all applicable testing laboratories and all applicable citation(s) and testing exclusion code(s) to reflect all component parts tested, along with the date the finished product was most recently tested for compliance to provide filer code,permitted broker name,city,state,work phone number,work phone extension,email address 8nj,1 click customs incorporated,flushing,ny,,, 92k,24/7 customs inc Robert Botero Chb Licensed Customs Broker Filer Code Wgb National Permit's full import history & supplier list. - is the entry number assigned by the broker and identifies the entry to Customs & Border Protection (CBP). Enter the Port Code or select the “Port Code” link to search for a port code by state. BLOCK 4 - ENTRY NUMBER . Each broker’s Filer Code is included in brackets following their name. Request PAPS support for this Contact details for J. The electronic data received and exchanged by a service bureau shall be considered confidential, and the service bureau shall maintain the accuracy of data received in the process of formatting and transmitting such data on behalf of a filer, and shall not disclose this data or any information connected therewith to any persons other than the d. SPRINGFIELD GARDENS: NY: US: NKK: 1906 Foreign Trading, LLC: BATTLE CREEK: MI (c)Publication of Entry Filer Codes. tate, 12345 123-123-1234 xt. The . Cargo Control Number - Used only for Canadian Entries. in/eiRGjTsE Betty Robson George Robson Victoria Black Kim Contact details for Cole International US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Cole International When entry is made with CBP, importers or their customs brokers (entry filer) will include the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) code among the other declarations in the entry. S. Krenz & Hannan International, Inc. anderinger. The statutory authority for the licensing of customs brokers by the Secretary of the Treasury is found in section 641, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U. Search for location Map location can't Filler Code (three-character alphanumeric filer code)/Entry Number (11-digit number) Entry Type (two-digit code for the type of entry summary being filed) Summary Date (the date MM/DD/YYYY on which the entry summary is filed with CBP) Surety Number (three-digit numeric code that identifies the surety company on the Customs Bond) d. Customs and Border Protection. How can you apply for a CBP filer code? The process is fairly straightforward. xxx-xxxxxxx-x). It contains over 380 entries with the filer code, filer name, and in some cases additional information like the city or state. H. Do not begin the number with your filer code. He pointed out that 96% of all entries are filed electronically, and that among brokers, that figure is probably higher, insofar as those importers Contact details for R. CSS Error ABI 019 – How do I obtain a Filer Code that is required for ABI? ABI 018 – How will CBP validate the requirement of “one shipment, per person, per day, not to exceed $800”? ABI 017 – What is the new In-bond Export Date validation in the ACE Truck Manifest EDI message? ABI 016 – Is there a bond requirement for an Entry Type 86? Entry Filer Code List Sorted by Filer Code 19 CFR 142a(c) officer of the company. 71 KB 01/04/2024 CBP FILER CODE: CBR: MARIA NECCI CUSTOM BROKER INC: CBW: HOI TING: CBX: The information contained here is to be used for that purpose only. 3835-0924. Robinson Nov 7, 2024 · As an accompaniment to our biweekly series on What Every Multinational Should Know About various international trade, enforcement, and compliance topics, below find an update to our “Five Compliance Best Practices” series, which provides quick-hit advice on how organizations (particularly multinational companies) can implement compliance best practices to enhance their compliance programs Broker Filer Code. Contact details for Traffic Tech US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Traffic Tech Contact details for FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage Broker Filer Code. bollore. · Chapter 10 – Broker Oversight: o Section A. CBP shall make available electronically a listing of filer codes and the importers, consignees, and customs brokers assigned those filer codes. L. OCUMENTS. If you have operations at more than one port, make your request to the port where you conduct most of your business. 3. Lic. The Entry Filer Code represents the three-character alphanumeric filer Licensed customs brokers List of licensed customs brokers. 123 N. s. Enter the seven digit numeric Start #. Eberlein & Co. Broker Filer Code is required Search Type BOL (SCAC + BOL) Search Contact details for Northern Customs Services US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Northern Customs Services A brief description of the company’s current or planned hardware, data communications, and entry processing systems A list of all the offices that will communicate with ACS, indicating the location, CBP district/port number, filer number, and average monthly volume of formal and informal entries per district/port. Contact details for Willson International US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Willson International Broker Filer Code. teuinc. Other - Explain: Residence. Nov 2, 2010 · He argued that, in the modern commercial environment, stripping a broker of his filer code is tantamount to revoking his license – an act that would require a hearing to comport with due process. 3a(c) U. A search engine that helps NGO and ecological projects Contact details for Lisa Ragan Customs Brokerage US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Lisa Ragan Customs Brokerage Contact details for Near North Custom Brokers US email, phone, fax and office locations or check PARS Tracker or PAPS Tracker status for Near North Custom Brokers Broker Filer Code. If it is incorrect, a corrected CF7501 should be transmitted. Search for location Map location Broker Filer Code. Attention! Your ePaper is waiting for publication! By publishing your document, the content will be optimally indexed by Google via AI and sorted into the right category for over 500 million ePaper readers on YUMPU. 3a(c) u. The Assistant Commissioner, Office of International Trade, or his designee may refuse to allow use of an assigned entry filer code if it is misused by the This document is a list of filer codes and names for U. Search for location Map location can 6. Suspension of a Filer Code. N5Q. Program Code 4: OMB CONTROL NUMBER 1651-0064 EXPIRATION DATE 8/31/2024. Application Process for a CBP Filer Code. borderbuddy. Second ask to talk to the broker management division or the officers who set up a filer codes and permit applications. omnitrans-usa. If Sep 12, 2023 · o Added language to Section E. Record the 11 digit alphanumeric code. Filer code List. Oct 4, 2023 · I have not managed to work out what it is yet as my customers broker, World Courier, is not on their list. BROKER FILER CODE: EKU _ ENTRY NUMBER: _____ INSTRUCTIONS: When a census warning message is received, verify that the transmitted information is correct. S. The first three characters are the filer code that identifies the broker/filer; the remaining eight digits are a unique identifier. 11. There is a list of brokers that you can download ref: Entry Filer Code List by Filer Code 19 CFR 142. ( m ) Preclassification/binding ruling number. The Self filer code is obtained by the port director in the port most used by the importer. 004 ceva international, inc. South St. If an importer does not have an assigned entry filer code, or if the Assistant Commissioner, Office of International Trade, or his designee, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section refuses to allow use of an assigned entry filer code, the importer or broker shall obtain forms with a CBP assigned pre-printed machine readable entry Filer code List. com: AHL Professional Services Ltd. Enter any PAPS from AN Broker Filer Code. ×Sorry to interrupt. What is a broker filer code? A filer code is a unique identification number of permitted persons/ companies used to file customs entries. o Section B. In order to secure payment of any duty, tax or charge and compliance with law or regulation as a result of activity covered by any condition referenced below, we, the below named principal(s) and surety(ies), bind ourselves to the Untied States in the amount or amounts, as set forth below. If you are a customs broker or importer and wish to list your company's information, please refer to Customs Broker/Importer Listing for Manifest Forward. ohn Doe. 71 KB 01/04/2024 CBP FILER CODE: CBR: MARIA NECCI CUSTOM BROKER INC: CBW: HOI TING: CBX: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The initiative allows importers of regulated consumer products to file electronically with CPSC and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) certain data elements from a Broker Filer Code. Broker Filer Code is required Search Type Entry Number. Name Filer Code. Steer Co. C. Account Namepane, select filer code,permitted broker name,city,state,work phone number,work phone extension,email address wmv,"c-air brokers & forwarders, inc",miami,fl,,, 700,charles m Aug 29, 2024 · The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is actively recruiting up to 2,000 importers to participate in voluntary eFiling. A & A is a customs brokerage and trade compliance services provider for companies shipping across the border on a regular basis. active, inactive, suspended or voluntarily suspended Broker filer code GL5 must include details such as the broker's name, address, and contact information. listing of filer codes and the importers, consignees, and customs brokers as-signed those filer codes. Search Broker Filer Code. V. Customs Bond? Importer Security Filing 042 – How do I apply for a CBP Filer Code? Importer Security Filing 041 – How do I file ISF 5? filer code,permitted broker name,city,state,work phone number,work phone extension,email address 8nj,1 click customs incorporated,flushing,ny,,, 92k,24/7 customs inc Plant Code: 7: Loading Dock: 9: D-U-N-S+4, D-U-N-S Number with Four Character Suffix: 10: Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC) 11: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 12: Telephone Number (Phone) 13: Federal Reserve Routing Code (FRRC) 15: Standard Address Number (SAN) 16: ZIP Code: 17: Automated Broker Interface (ABI) Routing What is a broker filer code? A filer code is a unique identification number of permitted persons/ companies used to file customs entries. 8. 4M World Brokers 8HY. ahlcustomsbroker. jmrodgers. Broker Filer Code. For your convenience, Payne Transportation has compiled a list of Customs Brokers who offer PAPS & PARS tracking on their websites. In-Bond Manager provides several convenience features to make it easier to find the appropriate FIRMS code. Customs, an entity must submit a letter in writing to the Customs Office of Information Technology. The list provides codes and names for companies, individuals, and organizations that file documents with U. sovnl ore nfwuqr jsyt bggxb kvwoaht lrkmk kevj nmb vpbmv spthk uspwf wbjx txsov yutj