Justice arts coalition. (2013) Concertina Mercer University Press Berrigan, D.
Justice arts coalition et al (eds. Trees so great, intimidating in their May 2, 2020 · Our JAC community is continually expanding, reaching out to artists, activists, and volunteers from all corners of the globe. Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) is a national network that unites teaching artists, arts advocates, and currently and formerly incarcerated artists harnessing the transformative power of art to reimagine justice. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Curated by artist Jesse Krimes, Rendering Justice is an expansive examination of mass incarceration and an unflinching depiction of contemporary America. net, (410) 868-5129 Artivate, info@goartivate. The artworks are part of Mural Jun 26, 2017 · Justice Arts Coalition. org NY State Literary Center, (585) 223-0784, ddavis Jun 22, 2021 · On Thursday, June 24th, Justice Arts Coalition’s 2021 National Convening, Art for a New Future, is set to begin. Check back on the first of each month for a new collection of works by the talented artists in the JAC network. Shadows of emotions dark and gray. A Living Survival! So been threw Discriminated Hating people. Facebook Apr 26, 2021 · This artist has works that are available for purchase! Please contact info@thejusticeartscoalition. Please note: The Justice Arts Coalition does not offer any programs. com, (332) 201-8686 The Creative Righting Center, info@thecreativerightingcenter. I’ve been threw The worst all my life 33 years Incarceration. Welcome to the newest gallery in JAC’s Gallery of the Month series, where we showcase a wide range of art and writing under unique monthly themes. org, (206) 323-7499 Underground Writing, info@undergroundwriting. May 31, 2019 · by Wendy Jason, Managing Director of the Justice Arts Coalition On Saturday, May 25th, at Rhizome DC, the Justice Arts Coalition celebrated the opening of Becoming Free, our first exhibition of works by incarcerated artists. Delaware Avodah Dance Ensemble avodahdance@gmail. org, (301) 588-7525 Carpe Diem Arts busygraham@carpediemarts. We unite artists, arts organizations, and justice practitioners A platform for creativity and community beyond prisons and jails. To learn more about the programs below, please contact the programs directly. Continue reading to learn more Jul 1, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition. Nov 25, 2024 · Justice Arts Coalition Welcomes Board of Directors and Co-Directors Monday, November 25, 2024. us Voices from Inside, info. Burning bridges to light the night. As a sixteen-year-old, Betts was sentenced to nine years in prison… Jan 2, 2023 · 2022 was a year of significant growth for JAC, but it didn’t come without struggle. young@artisticnoise. Facebook Aug 5, 2019 · You may contact me via Anne Stepp, PO Box 87, Bath, NC 27808. For many, art is a pastime: for Harold Johnson, art literally helps him pass the time. ”, by Corey Moore “Untitled”, by Corey Moore “George J. We invite you to view the virtual exhibition from March 16 to March 31 and attend the concurrent online events, such as an artists panel and a guided exhibit tour. Recently, JAC got the chance to speak with Gary about his work, art, and life experience. Now an award-winning poet and Ph. Day and in order to raise money for his ongoing fight for freedom, Kenneth is auctioning off this 8. org, (607) 241-0195 Wedging Forward, wedging. She works with public school students to facilitate the creation of their own choreography and video projects, makes giant This space provides an opportunity to highlight creative work by people who are or have been in prison. To view past galleries of the month, Nov 29, 2022 · Justice Arts Coalition. While continuing his own Dec 11, 2018 · by Philip Hall In 2018, the creation and discussion of art is widely acknowledged as a vehicle for social justice. The StoryShop planning team currently includes: Wendy Jason, Founder/ED Massachusetts And Still We Rise, (888) 572-0795 , admin@andstillwerise. JAC unites artists and allies inside and outside of prison to harness the transformative and liberatory power of the arts to reimagine justice. (2024). She creates performance experiences that often feature non-performers, highlighting and celebrating the nuances of natural, untrained human movement. A Story To Tell – Anthony Newman The auction blocks no different from the courthouse, can’t you see the parallel, if you can’t sit back and listen cause I’ve got a story to tell About Afrikans being kidnapped and ripped from the motherland, and brought to amerikkka and turned into a new man One Dec 1, 2020 · Dear friends, Our team is grateful to our wonderful community for contributing to and engaging with JAC in so many ways over the last year, through some very challenging times. In her own words, Rachel writes: “I believe that traditional textile techniques, particularly quilting, can provide a fertile platform for creating dialog and understanding around complex ideas and issues. But there is no central location where the public, policy makers, students or researchers can benefit from the many years of first-hand experience of prisoners and prison Dec 20, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. That holy water boiling, can't shake the heat. com , (718) 998-4572 CASES Insight Project, (212) 553-6633, info@cases. Listening to this Might Change You by Maurice Chammah for the New York Times (2023) Art as a Radical Tool for Realizing Abolition by Abigail Glasgow for Harpers Bazaar (2023) Interrogating the Criminal Justice System through Art by Ariana Marsh for Dec 20, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition. Spoon is an award-winning author and poet whose artistic projects include everything from zines to podcasts. org, (301) 466-0183 Goucher Prison Education Partnership, (410) 337-6033, GPEP. Stinney Jr. On thorns of hope, but beyond remedy. If I see something that catches my attention, I say to myself… ‘that would look good in charcoal or pen. org Civic Ensemble's ReEntry Theatre Program, info@civicensemble. I enjoy creating art, but I know that I am more than my work. org On With Living and Learning, Inc. And in his hand, it never sleeps. As a Guide Line Sharing truth for all to see. To view past galleries of the month, see our Gallery Archive. Like many people who become artists I once believed being able to draw was a talent bestowed upon the select few, “the chosen”. Years ago, such a concept would have been largely ignored. The Basic feeling of reality, in regards for those Who Interpret Life as myself. All American. Decaying to ruins as they betray. org for more information on which pieces are available, price, etc. Reflects of echoes whispered in my ears - "Set Apr 30, 2023 · By Liv, JAC Intern Recently, JAC had the privilege to speak simultaneously with Tim Reed and Spoon Jackson. Aug 16, 2022 · Justice Arts Coalition. Aug 16, 2023 · This world weeps as it awaits, What I possess Knowledge consumed as water in a barren desert, insatiably thirsty for all that is known Wisdom from a hundred thousand hours, enlightened to a flame Strengthened by the villain holding my key, struggle forever I strive Compassion gained by the insanity of my surroundings, demons wrongfully This space provides an opportunity to highlight creative work by people who are or have been in prison. With that being said, I first became interested in drawing Recently, JAC had the chance to speak with organizer, crafter, curator and community taught textile artist, Rachel Wallis. high is a box with a Bunk bed, combined toilet and sink, a small table with two metal stools that swing out Jul 8, 2024 · Justice Arts Coalition. Imminent thoughts ambush the soul, While distant memories raid the whole. O. Facebook Feb 14, 2019 · This artist has works that are available for purchase! Please contact info@thejusticeartscoalition. 5″ x 11″ framed portrait of… Jul 12, 2023 · About the writer: SPIN A musician, DJ, and Certified computer nerd, SPIN, exchanged his horn and turntables for a pen when he came to prison. Anon. Nameless at first: I AM THAT Jan 18, 2021 · by Joslyn Lapinski, JAC Intern At just 15 years old, Derrick Grantley was incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. Box 11065Takoma Park, MD 20913 Or Make a monthly commitment as a sustaining Member of Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) Consider becoming a sustaining member of JAC and join our efforts to leverage the power Aug 4, 2013 · The following is a message from the Hamilton College Digital Humanities Initiative. “It means a lot knowing there are Jun 1, 2022 · Community. (eds. P. Jul 1, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition. “Eye Rose Skull,” Curtis Mahaffey “Yellow Rose Eye,” Curtis Mahaffey “Marilyn Split,” Curtis Mahaffey I’ve been through many issues just having art materials and the C/Os wanting to take them all the time or even drawings being stolen in the mail, and witnessed others go through similar situations. (1990) Immigrants in Our Own Land and Selected Early Poems New Directions Paperbook Bathanti, J. We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. I enjoy painting wildlife, fantasy, still lifes. I look forward to working with you. Furthermore, the list does not reflect international resources. Its multi-arts distance-learning program, CorrespondArts, is the first serving people in Maryland prisons. ’” He uses any medium available to capture his subjects: black Sharpie, watercolor pencil, charcoal, Jul 26, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition spoke to two featured artists about the project, Sam Lindenfeld and Shiloah Coley. Please click here to donate to Justice Arts Coalition and support work that brings artists and art lovers Jan 14, 2025 · Justice Arts Coalition. By supporting Justice Arts Coalition, you are not just investing in art; you are investing in community, opportunities, and a platform for artists to share their talent with the world. Aug 16, 2023 · 2020 – Armando Alegria Must our tears continually come in a flood, to cleanse away the oppression in our blood? Is that how we will reach the figment of equality? Then how do we wash away the systemic brutality? When all we have ever known is injustice. He works as a tutor in the Education Department at his unit, mentoring inmates working to achieve their GED. But always Justice Arts Coalition. You can view Sam’s piece on his Instagram here. Delaware Prison Education , maureen. In the midst of “prison drama,” he writes, art is where he finds his “serenity. Crew Cut,” Leo Cardez “Happy,” Leo Cardez “Untitled,” Leo Cardez Leo Cardez is an award winning essayist and playwright living in a human warehouse on the fringes of society. “Sitting Bull,” Harold Johnson “Bliss,” Harold Johnson “For Pamela,” Harold Johnson “Untitled,” Harold Johnson “Untitled,” Harold Johnson “Untitled,” Harold Johnson Boxman – Harold Johnson 7 ft. “Window into Another Dimension,” Chris Schulze “Sunset Portal,” Chris Schulze “Tangled Tore,” Chris Schulze “Luck o’ the Dec 20, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition. ” He puts on his music, begins to draw, and the rest falls away. Many revisions were made throughout this process, but at the heart of each was This gathering is a shared initiative between Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) and the Arts Justice Safety Coalition (AJSC). , mcdaspire@gmail. We were joined by nearly 125 community members, each one helping to fill the space with warmth, care, and a Jan 27, 2020 · by Mark Andreason* The question has been coming up a lot lately. edu Virginia Art program at Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail The resources included on this site do not reflect the total number of resources available, as the list is continuously developing. Mar 13, 2021 · by Naomi Rachel, JAC Volunteer - with Gary Farlow and Caddell Kivett After working with incarcerated poets for twenty years (with PEN and JAC) I didn’t expect to be amazed by anything produced at a prison. JAC’s aim has always been to uplift and share the voices of those impacted by the carceral system and we hope our website can be a safe space for all who visit and contribute to it. Main medium is acrylics. ) (2019) Prison BA Journal Cal State LA Andrews, F. org Prison Mindfulness Institute, contact form on website Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. Mar 1, 2023 · Guest Contributor: David Annarelli As the world continues to descend into assorted and varied madness, the word freedom is at the forefront of everyone's mind. My love of nature and the pleasure I find in creating something that I hope others will enjoy seeing inspires me. Coalition building events: Zoom conferences and focus group meetings to advance arts engagement within the criminal legal system and amplify the voices of incarcerated artists. Aug 5, 2019 · Justice Arts Coalition. org. In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Jun 10, 2022 · Gary Harrell is a JAC network artist, formerly incarcerated artist, and co-founder of Shower Works, a non-profit based in California which aims to bring free, warm showers to the unhoused community of Sacramento, CA. I’m the product and proof that something beautiful can flourish in the dirtiest of places. Afary, K. Nov 10, 2021 · This artist has works that are available for purchase! Please contact info@thejusticeartscoalition. “With no end in sight, I am still fighting my case in the court,” Derrick tells us. Fault to the nines, a shorn counterpart. “[Black August] This space provides an opportunity to highlight writing by people who are or have been in prison. Art is Jan 18, 2021 · by Joslyn Lapinski, JAC Intern At just 15 years old, Derrick Grantley was incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. No, beauty isn't always pretty, nor worthy of hate. Amid growing calls for transformative justice and the abolition of our country’s criminal legal system, artists can play a unique role in envisioning and implementing new ways of approaching conflict, building community, and fostering healing. Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) is proud to celebrate the 25th Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners. Still blindly we follow when you say “trust Mar 27, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) is excited to announce our inaugural online exhibition: Inside & Out: Photorealists to Minimalists. Jan 3, 2022 · This artist has works that are available for purchase! Please contact info@thejusticeartscoalition. and Dec 20, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition. Settling into our first office space in Takoma Park, MD was a huge and vital step Nov 29, 2023 · As part of GivingTuesday, we’re spotlighting Vivian Bauer, an artist and linguist, sharing her experience as a pARTner penpal and the impact that building meaningful connections over a shared love of art has had on her life. Blog; JAC in the Media; Exhibitions and Events; Art and Writing. Check back each month for a new collection of works by the talented artists in JAC’s network. The exhibition launched on 6/27/24 at SFPL’s 3rd Convening of Librarians Washington Sustainable Prisons Project, spp@evergreen. Please fill out this form if you are interested in utilizing images from the galleries or portfolios May 17, 2023 · Justice Arts Coalition. “Untitled,” Jesse Kruze “I’m Giving you One More Chance,” Jesse Kruze “Untitled,” Jesse Kruze “Untitled,” Jesse Kruze Jan 21, 2022 · Justice!,Justice!,What Justice?, or do you mean just us? Words like equality and liberty,doesn't apply to negroes like me, I'm just an African trapped in the belly of the beast Ask Jim Crow, I bet he knows, They best way to break a negro,is by locking 'em up,and taking his soul Lock 'em,throw away the key, Jul 24, 2024 · WEST OF CALIFORNIA Stuck in California, but still need to push west. Surrounded Jan 18, 2022 · This artist has works that are available for purchase! Please contact info@thejusticeartscoalition. Justice Arts Coalition is a nonprofit network and resource for artists in and around the criminal legal system. “Take the art farther than where you found it,” I heard a man say in a documentary about Black music and arts. fwd@gmail. Art for a New Future: National Convening 2021 Dec 19, 2020 · by Isa Berliner, JAC Intern We are excited to share the virtual Rendering Justice exhibition from Mural Arts Philadelphia, in partnership with the African American Museum in Philadelphia. The Arts Justice Safety Coalition (AJSC) is a collaborative initiative spearheaded by The Confined Arts (TCA) and partners to foster intersections between art and justice system reform. “Chairmen Fred Hampton” by Corey Moore “George J. Facebook Dec 20, 2020 · “Merle Haggard,” Curtis Mahaffey Jr. S. POETRY POETRY By Spoon Jackson A brush dipping into a hot spring Painting pictures Of the unconscious Bringing forth ancient elixir Dec 20, 2020 · This artist has works that are available for purchase! Please contact info@thejusticeartscoalition. Dec 13, 2010 · We are excited to announce that several of the organizations connected to the Prison Arts Coalition including Judy Dworin Performance Project, Inc. The following are independent prison arts programs we have identified in this region. Creativity. org NY State Literary Center, (585) 223-0784, ddavis Jun 26, 2017 · Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. We are grateful to Wendy for helping to get the word Justice Arts Coalition. and Dickens, A. Aug 5, 2019 · His work has been featured in the Marking Time exhibit at MoMA PS1, and at various venues with the Justice Arts Coalition like the York & Pen Gallery (2022), Sandy Spring Museum (2021), and the Prison Reimagined: Presidential Portrait Project (PRP3) at the President Lincoln Cottage in Washington, D. Getting Closer, Samson Loynachan Bonnies Girl, Samson Loynachan Kingfisher, Samson Loynachan Kingfisher, Samson Loynachan Dartford Warbler Aug 2, 2022 · Justice Arts Coalition. voicesfrominside@gmail. edu Yoga Behind Bars, info@yogabehindbars. ” – the unbounded heartwork of Carole Alden Nov 22, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. And it was these three words which guided the process of redesigning JAC’s logo from start to finish. Harold identifies as “Kiowa, Comanche, Delaware, and Seminole” and is enrolled … Feb 7, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. wide, 13 ft long, 8 ½ ft. Our aim is to assist system-impacted artists in all media gain the professional development and financial education necessary to achieve personal agency and entrepreneurial empowerment. We felt stretched far beyond our capacity at times and had to get real about how much we could continue to say yes to. Our Team; Our Impact; Contact; Artist Portfolios; News . (ed. The Bay never shined so bright. Special Events: stay tuned for announcements about upcoming events! Past JAC Events: view our events archive. “Not Titled”, Razor “Not Titled”, Razor “Without Imperfection”, Razor “Not Titled”, Razor “Not Titled”, Razor “Not Dec 20, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. At 17, he was placed into solitary confinement, where he has remained for 21 consecutive years. Justice Arts Coalition JAC elevates the works, voices, and humanity of people impacted by the criminal legal system and establishes bonds between those inside and outside prison walls. Dealing day by Day. These were the three words most used by Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) team members when asked to describe JAC’s personality. May 15, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition. Incurred by the loss, a great tragedy. New York Rehabilitation Through the Arts, (914) 251-7540, info@rta-arts. He settled in to draw a portrait of his favorite toy, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Current tightened state budgets, plummeting crime rates, as well as an examination of mass incarceration, is prompting the investigation and support of art as a Dec 20, 2020 · About. Elmo's wonder struck. It has been a horrible experience, and I would not wish it upon anyone, Justice Arts Coalition. Sep 21, 2023 · An excerpt from: Lucifer’s Polemic: A Poem in Six Rhapsodies (Canto 1) – Zachariah Chiaia An excerpt from: Lucifer’s Polemic: A Poem in Six Rhapsodies by Zachariah Chiaia Canto 1 The Cosmos unveiled The Mind of God, The Eternal Thought Generator: The ageless, timeless, boundless, Divine Primordial Dream Navigator. Check out the article Poetry and prose from prison: Finding a voice despite being locked up, written by Tiffany Fitzgerald. Both pieces, along with images of the book, can be viewed on Hasbrook Galleries’ Instagram here. TAKOMA PARK – Today, the Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) welcomes new leaders to its Board of Directors and Co-Director staff. Day A huge thank you to our partners at San Francisco Public Library's Jail & Reentry Services program, the American Library Association and the Mellon Foundation for hosting and supporting Inside Knowledge, a special exhibition of works by JAC network artists reflecting on information access. Ukraine, clearly, but also those political dissidents such as Mr. Aug 2, 2023 · A Growing Threat of Harm and Death – David Annarelli July 9, 2023, Sunday Pocahontas State Corruption Center has been the pariah of Virginia’s Dept. “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez “Untitled,” Alberto Nuñez I was about four when my auntie got me into drawing . In the spirit of creation during this period of isolation, as the entire world reacts to this unprecedented moment in time, we feel lucky to share the following message from our friends, Arlene Tucker and Carole Alden, from…. can be mailed to: Justice Arts Coalition Inc. org, (206) 783-0403 University Beyond Bars, info@universitybeyondbars. ) (1972) Voices from the Big House: A Collection of Fiction by Long Term Convicts Harlo Press Arguelles, M. Who We Are StoryShop is a growing collective of nonprofit professionals and formerly incarcerated artists and advocates working together. We were joined by nearly 125 community members, each one helping to fill the space with warmth, care, and a … Jul 5, 2024 · The Justice Arts Coalition is a network of activists, arts practitioners and incarcerated artists across North America. k12. ” Mar 3, 2020 · The art scene in Boston is unbalanced with most of the colorful and experimental street art happening in the wealthier parts of the city. Feb 7, 2021 · by Melissa Wang, JAC Intern I send this one out To all the homeboys down in, uh, Clinton lockdown Rikers Island, all them dudes I was, uh, locked up with E block, F block, lower H N-I-C in Rikers Island Downstate All the peoples I met along the way Better days is comin' homeboy, keep Jan 30, 2025 · We’re thrilled to share that the Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) has received an outpouring of support for our ongoing transcribing project to amplify the works of incarcerated writers. She used to love watching me make cartoons and she was into arts and crafts and inspired me to Aug 26, 2024 · “Jack” Is my name. com Prison Arts Program Delaware Dept of Corrections Maryland Maryland Correctional Institution - Hagerstown (MCI-H) Jul 1, 2021 · Finding the Fall – Chris Johnson Impressive is the rainforest; rich, colorful, and bright; As I walk through it, I feel I might just take flight. News articles include an array of topics and are primarily organized chronologically by year. St. To view past galleries of the month, Welcome to the newest gallery in JAC’s Gallery of the Month series, where we showcase a wide range of art and writing under unique monthly themes. com Artistic Noise, info@artisticnoise. For our 7th Issue, Solitude , we spoke to Wendy Jason and Jhenna El-Sawaf about Covid, the killing of George Floyd, and providing hope for artists inside. D candidate in Law at Yale Law School, Betts began his poetic practice in prison. For the most part I am self-taught, except for reading Art books. The United States holds more prisoners and employs more prison staff than any other nation on earth. ) (1995) Extracts from Pelican Bay: An Anthology of Prisoner Poetry, Drawings, and Essays Pentograph Press Benavidez, M. Our team has worked incredibly hard to bring together an amazing group of speakers and panelists, and this blog series spotlights just a few of them to give you a taste of what you can expect from the convening. org Freehold Theatre, info@freeholdtheatre. Please fill out this form Dec 20, 2020 · “Merle Haggard,” Curtis Mahaffey Jr. Dec 20, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition. It increases teaching artists’ capacity to implement arts programs, including restorative and transformative justice practices in and Sep 4, 2020 · “Untitled,” Billy Van Court “Untitled,” Billy Van Court "I'm a painter. Mar 3, 2020 · by Melissa Wang, JAC Intern “I started reading poetry in a cell in solitary confinement,” writes Reginald Dwayne Betts to the Justice Arts Coalition. Navalny, as of June 15 disappeared into a Russian maximum security prison, and those American citizens such as WNBA star Mar 19, 2020 · For the past several months a group of us, including Pastor Isaac Scott, Center for Institutional and Social Change at Columbia Law School, the Cathedral of St. Facebook Jan 14, 2021 · JAC is proud to feature the work of Kenneth Reams, an artist and activist who has been incarcerated on death row for twenty-seven years. (2014) Poetry by Incarcerated Writer at the Clinton Correctional Facility, New York Arguelles, M. To search for particular phrases or names within this collection, please click here. All of the sights and sounds; full of majesty, charm, and grace; I’m lost and wandering, but with an eager and meaningful pace. de. Loneliness and void never smelled so sweet. Please put “Interest in purchasing (Piece(s), Artist’s Name)” in the subject line. , Shakespeare Behind Bars, Stephen Hartnett of The Prison Communication, Activism, Research, and Education Collective have been reviewed by Wendy Jason on Change. 2200, info@actorsshakespeareproject. org, curtis. Gallery of the Month: November Aug 5, 2019 · Justice Arts Coalition. Support. Spirit of my soul, Welcome to the newest gallery in JAC’s Gallery of the Month series, where we showcase a wide range of art and writing under unique monthly themes. org Prison Renaissance, info Feb 25, 2010 · A powerful writing workshop held at the Denver Women's Correctional Facility recently received media coverage in the University of Colorado Denver Advocate. The article discusses the publication Captured Words/Free Thoughts, a collection of poems, stories Aug 27, 2018 · · Art in Prison, arts in corrections, Creative Writing in Prison, healing, healing art, incarcerated artist, Prison Art, prison arts advocacy, Social justice, Uncategorized “My body may be imprisoned, but nothing can keep my creative vision from reaching out beyond these walls. a national directory of arts programs in carceral spaces anthologies of writing and art by people in prison news articles autobiographies and memoirs by people who The beliefs and opinions expressed by the artists we feature on our website may not always reflect the views of Justice Arts Coalition. com Actors’ Shakespeare Project, (617) 241. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Previously a well known recruitment center for white supremacist groups local to these mountains where it’s located, it is also well known as the most Jun 28, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. May 12, 2021 · by Jhenna El-Sawaf, JAC Volunteer For Snapp, seeing is the first step. Facebook Jul 30, 2021 · Justice Arts Coalition. “My creative process is based on what I see. Art is Mar 22, 2021 · by Absa Fall, Isa Berliner, and Melissa Wang, JAC Interns. Feb 6, 2025 · We’re thrilled to share that the Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) has received an outpouring of support for our ongoing transcribing project to amplify the works of incarcerated writers. org Pongo Teen Writing Project, info@pongopoetryproject. Now, we’re inviting you to join us for our new initiative: Scribe Sessions—an online gathering of solidarity, creativity, and community-building. whelan@doe. us, (302) 857-3340 Maryland Knitting Behind Bars, lynnzwerling@verizon. To view past galleries of the month, Jul 15, 2020 · by Jhenna El-Sawaf Marcus Pettiford was around two years old when his mother, Anita, handed him a pencil and piece of paper. org The IF Project, info@theifproject. Aug 23, 2022 · Riveted by charm obsessed and snared into enchantment and guile, words of adoration flooded my heart and a lonesome walk through the mist concealed my trail. Jun 13, 2023 · Justice Arts Coalition. Facebook New York Rehabilitation Through the Arts, (914) 251-7540, info@rta-arts. To view past galleries of the month, Jun 26, 2023 · Justice Arts Coalition. ) (1995) Extracts from Pelican Bay: An Anthology of Prisoner Poetry, Drawings, and Essays Pentograph Press Baca, J. inquiries@goucher. Jul 5, 2024 · Founded in 2008 as the volunteer-led Prison Arts Coalition, the Justice Arts Coalition is developing as a US-based non-profit organisation working to provide information about people making art in and around the justice system. Facebook “Battling Depression on the Inside,” Leo Cardez “Dealing with Mental Health,” Leo Cardez “Mr. org Prison Renaissance, info Nov 22, 2020 · Justice Arts Coalition We unite artists impacted by the criminal legal system and creatives everywhere to harness art’s transformative power and reimagine justice. We’re excited to celebrate the launch of Maryland’s first multidisciplinary, distance learning arts program serving incarcerated women, CorrespondARTS, with all of our friends and supporters. I create the art to escape from this life I have been leading behind bars. Your donation can be a brushstroke for change, helping turn prison cells into studios, and despair into inspiration. It shares stories, resources, and opportunities to foster relationships and reimagine justice through the arts. If you are interested in purchasing work that you see in our galleries or portfolios, please reach out to us. E. He is a two-time winner of the PEN America Award and Pushcard Mar 21, 2019 · California Lawyers for the Arts and the William James Association in collaboration with Santa Clara University and the Justice Arts Coalition presents Arts in Corrections: Reframing the Landscape of Justice June 24 - 28, 2019 Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053 This national conference will provide professional development opportunities for artists Make a one-time donation: Checks made out to Justice Arts Coalition Inc. C. Into oblivion I travailed the hike the elusive contour I so seek slipped through as I chased the evasive silhouette. You can view Shiloah’s piece on her Instagram here. of Corrections for 12+ years. John the Divine, the Broadway Advocacy Coalition, and others have been organizing the Prison Art + Aesthetics Project (PAAP), an 18-month series of symposia, art exhibitions, poetry by Wendy Jason, Managing Director of the Justice Arts Coalition On Saturday, May 25th, at Rhizome DC, the Justice Arts Coalition celebrated the opening of Becoming Free, our first exhibition of works by incarcerated artists. (2013) Concertina Mercer University Press Berrigan, D. Stinney Apr 22, 2020 · To all valued members of the JAC community, Justice Arts Coalition is launching its first ever online workshop series! Given the tireless work of teaching artists and advocates across the sector, who consistently allow JAC’s community to be one of vibrancy and artistic celebration, we are thrilled to offer these workshops as a chance for Sep 27, 2015 · by Sarah Dahnke About the guest blogger: Sarah Dahnke is a Brooklyn-based choreographer, multimedia artist, and arts educator. Justice Arts Coalition (JAC) unites teaching artists, arts advocates, artists who are or have been incarcerated and their allies, harnessing the transformative power of the arts to reimagine justice. He is featured in Tomorrow’s Ken: Portraits of Lives Affected by Incarceration, the seven-part video series created by Tim Reed, a Aug 4, 2022 · The languishing twist of a broken heart. vlgfttd xargwfoi wss tjxt dszcp rvfpre roylhl croj bcl fpjt slq tavoaxk cdsbhd izxk xhrwz