Social exhaustion adhd reddit. Same thing with Narcolepsy.

Social exhaustion adhd reddit About eating more, just eat whatever you like. Reply reply crazyrabidotter_69 Caffeine caused your ADHD, exhaustion? Has anyone who has quit for an extended period of time feels like this is the case? I’ve always sense that caffeine is at the root of my ADHD symptoms, fatigue, and social anxiety, but haven’t quit long enough to find out Fatigue and autonomic dysfunction can create ADHD symptoms that may start in early childhood for people with genetic risks factors. But that goes for all ADHD symptoms, as ADHD, depression and thyroid function are intertwined and research hasn't yet figured out to what extent and how/if they can be distinguished. Social Exhaustion is real! I wish I could go back and tell myself: Have some respect for your own needs. It was discussed a few times in meetings that included social workers, therapists and two psychiatrists. Mainly new environment and complicated social interactions take their toll in this (tough meetings, emotional topics etc. But when I'm free of any social duties, work or gym, I get nothing done either ๐Ÿ˜… I am paralyzed. I feel like a lot of people are experiencing fatigue these days, life is too fast and there’s too much harsh info in our feeds all the time. Best career move ever, my brain’s happiness has been restored. After a few hours socialising, I am out of action for at least 2 days, and will sit on the couch watching TV and hating myself. There are dozens of comorbidities associated with ADHD. true. been diagnosed for about 7 months, after 3 years waiting for diagnosis and then being told a further 2 years before can start titration. I also have a slow thyroid (not clinically hypo), which might be as much to blame as ADHD. 162 votes, 25 comments. This is normal for IR. Je me demande si d'autres comprennent cela. Welcome to the ADHD Parenting subreddit! This is a place for both parents with ADHD themselves and people raising ADHD kids to share questions, advice, and support when it comes to raising children with ADHD. I have combined type ADHD paired with general anxiety disorder and definitely have a low social battery. Like, if doing it more will help. Second, chronic social exhaustion can exacerbate ADHD symptoms, creating a challenging cycle. However, I am starting to worry I’m never going to be able to be in a long term relationship. ADHD medication probably won’t treat the condition it wasn’t meant for. ADHD may cause you some anxiety as well, but ADHD and GAD are not the same condition. My head will start hurting, my voice gets gravelly, and I notice my temper will gradually change as well. I have ADHD and am on 60 mg vyvanse used to be on 60mg of adderall, but I wanted to get a smaller dosage so I could be more social and not so pissed off all the time. It may also be worth considering if there are other symptoms that aren’t typical of ADHD. See full list on getinflow. But I don’t mask around my friends, im my super weird self with them. I have combined type adhd, mainly on the inattentive side. Yep exactly. We aim to help validate, educate and encourage one another as we navigate the challenges that come with an ADHD-impacted relationship. But my father had chronic fatigue syndrome and my partner asked me if it was possible that I have that as well. Posted by u/ledwtm - 4 votes and 3 comments We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Preliminary screenings have my doctors beliving I have adhd and that I am a high functioning autist. I've had serious fatigue since 5th grade or earlier. I can finally fucking breath, plus treatment is aswell effective in my social anxiety traits, theres future for me, at least i can feel it now, living with it will be constant fight til the end but its worth it finally with proper treatment etc. Like my energy is being drained in an unusually fast way, or at least faster than I think it would be for someone neurotypical. I mean to imply that one could feel constant fatigue, pain and mobility issues etc due to unmanaged ADHD, and the root cause would be the brain’s regulation of any number of things (like proper muscle tone, just to name one; or hypersensitivity to pain because of imbalanced regulation of sensation from the body without an obvious source for the pain; or even just not being able to modulate But I feel like my permanent exhaustion has kept me from so many things. And eat. Work-specific aspects, it’s good: flexible hours, able to handle rushes/stations well, great customers, etc The thing that gets me into a continuous masking then weeks of mental exhaustion and frustration is the social “requirement” with my co-workers. yes! i had a similar problem - blood work always came back normal, etc. Our social anxiety was probably caused by some kind of developmental trauma, or C-PTSD. Hey ADHD combined. Stimulants would still lick be your starting point, but given fatigue is a primary complaint for you, worth being aware of SCT, and if it relates more broadly, knowing if you do get an incomplete response in that area, it could be worth considering adding Straterra back in. However Autism is a social communication disorder with restricted and repetitive behaviour, Adhd is an attention and/or hyperactivity disorder, sad is an anxiety/fear based mental illness revolving around social interactions Asd Criteria A. So now that I am responsible for less - meaning I'm not constantly fighting my ADHD - I absolutely am less fatigued. My psychiatrist said most people quit Guanfacine before that point as they can't tolerate the sedation and fatigue during that period. I recently started drinking caffeine in the morning/early afternoon to lift the fatigue, and it helps, but I still just feel like a zombie most of the time. The way most people "ride social boundaries" is they pick up in a very vague, associative way on what words, phrases, or ideas have a tendency to upset people, and they just avoid those things on a instinctual, emotional basis. Now, I'm not saying you have sleep apnea, but I am saying that you shouldn't automatically blame your chronic fatigue on ADHD. Along with this comes my intense RSD, social exhaustion, exec dysfunction. I hope you figure out why you're so tired all Before pre-dx and sobriety, I would be the wanderer. It can exasperate things like bipolar, depression, bpd, ocd, anxiety. I always knew it was like a complete mental and emotional exhaustion more than physical. I always assumed ADHD was to do with hyperactivity, but I've read about inattentive ADHD, and the symptoms (tiredness, difficulty concentrating, low mood) are very applicable to me. My meds are not effective now, or my adhd symptoms are beyond its scope now. ADD/ADHD can be exhausting for patients (obviously you can relate) so it's weighing the pros and cons. by little things that shouldn’t have exhausted me. Thing is, though, I’m always wide awake at night. It was not a good fit. Dizziness persists upon standing, Brian fog (oh the continues stupid mistakes I make), insomnia, fatigue, exercise intolerance (I've been training horses for decades, all of a sudden I'm getting lactic acid build up in my legs after 10 mins of warm up) this fucking sucks. Crypto We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. I think I almost died from stress and exhaustion the year I had to teach grade 1. People to hang out with! So why am I getting so tired I can't even think straight? I thought 'lack of sleep, poor nutrition, lack of exercise'. Again, autistic burnout will be different from ADHD burnout, but many conditions can cause burnout. I mean as someone with combined type ADHD I would say the opposite. this seems to remove ADHD from most diagnostic lists That's insane to me. I have to start masking, I physically shut down, and I lose my ability to behave like I normally do. But now, unfortunately, I'm back to needing caffeine in addition to my Wellbutrin to keep trucking (yes, even on 300mg). You can find more about our stance on this matter in the links below. I experience total exhaustion after all social interaction, including bad stress headaches and laying in bed ruminating for hours. Fatigue is a fairly common symptom. Other than that, remember ADHD can come with fatigue due to the hyperactivity, sleep difficulties, stress management, etc. Is exhaustion an ADHD symptom for some people? I notice that on days when I take my medication (Adderall) I feel “normal. Rejection sensitivity and social outcomes of young adult men with ADHD Although r/ADHD 's rules strictly disallow discussion of other 'popular science' (aka unproven theories), we find that many, many people identify with the concept of RSD, and this post has therefore not been removed. We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. For me, it doesn’t help the fatigue, ADHD, or insomnia, but it helped me recognize those problems and what was those symptoms versus depression. But I have had this issue for a long time and not really realized it because of so many other issues I have. Edit: I have a very busy and demanding job with long hours and unfortunately (or fortunately) also a very busy social life ànd go to the gym. Social exhaustion can often feel weirdly good, like post-gym exhaustion, but if you feel it's overwhelming, maybe try shorter sessions - like a good party, you should leave a session at its peak, before things start to go downhill, and if that means running for 2hrs instead of 4hrs, so be it. So, I know “tiredness” isn’t universal or a diagnostic criteria, but I feel like it goes hand-in-hand with executive… Just your friendly reminder to take care of yourselves in the heat!! Make sure you try to stay indoors when you can, drink lots of fluids, and be aware of how your medications affect your body’s ability to cool down!! We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Add the sensory overloading that happens with ADHD and now it makes sense why social activities can be draining. In high school there was a while where I thought it could be narcolepsy. To reduce exhaustion, keep your social circle snall. NO! Socializing requires so much more mental energy than I realized. For people with ADHD it’s even harder to sort out all this stuff. Basically, ADHD debate is fraught with “does it exist” claims, and social construction is usually used to suggest it doesn’t exist for the individual. But if I try to skip taking medicine over the weekend, I have no energy. People with adhd are also significantly more likely to have sleep issues in general and there are a lot of new studies coming out linking sleep disorders with adhd. There are sometimes weeks going by with no evening for myself, hence the procrastination I think. Now they're raising funds Social exhaustion isn't necessarily a bad thing that needs to be cured. 1) “Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity” (this is not part of the adhd/sad diagnostic criteria. Using this model, you can reframe the debate so that the individual impairment stays in tact while you focus on the institutional practices that make things difficult for an ADHD person. We recommend browsing /r/adhd on desktop for the best experience. Middle school teacher turned school librarian due to being an introvert and having felt that social exhaustion by Tuesday at around 8am every week. ( I. Instead I missed work, felt a failure, didn’t shower, felt even worse, downloaded reddit for advice, ran back to my bedroom to hide from family members & not have to explain why I didn’t go in to work, scrolled Reddit for 8& a half hours (didn’t even post for advice), feel miserable, heard my auntie fall off a ladder downstairs taking My ADHD makes me like this, even since I was a child. To be fair work drains me a lot too- company has scaled massively with my team just expanding in the past 2 months and I’m still teaching people how to do things and I need to put a process at the same time so it’s “hello 12-14h days”. Im just a strong Introvert. First, it directly impacts quality of life, affecting personal relationships, work performance, and overall well-being. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. It could be caused by a number of things. Never has it made me hyperactive or impulsive, just sluggish like a sloth lol. This even happens when I’m one-on-one with someone I like. If you can stick out the exhaustion for 2-4 hours, you'll start feeling normal again and maybe even energetic. ” I can focus at work, and I can take care of usual things around the house, etc. Like, I go to bed around 10 pm and sleep until around 8 am. after being in company (even pleasant one) for 24+ hrs. Like actually excelling in school, investing in my hobbies, or ever finding any semblance of a social life… Sorry for ranting. I work at a small coffee shop. I try to talk to them as much as I can but there are days where I am just destroyed from work or life necessities and I literally feel too tired to talk and just want to nap or rest. I've been learning overtime how to manage my BPD. haven't experienced any improvement here though since on meds though (but then again, as you say, 10mg is a minimum dose and I don't feel like it's doing that much. , due of unmedicated adhd in my past i almost failed schools, bullied etc. I used to know some ADHD engineers who had the same issues and eventually did a crypto scam of over 200k, then started a company and hired engineers to build it out. Completely fucked up my teeth for a while, I still think I have cavities. Everyone is welcome, including non-binary, trans, or any other folks who feel they belong in femme-focused spaces. Thank you! A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. it makes me extremely tired during the day, no matter how much sleep i get, and leaves me exhausted We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. My husband also has ADHD but he’s very social. I guess now I know I have ADHD it makes even more sense. How do you deal with social exhaustion? When I am social, I get easily overstimulated and am in a CONSTANT state of discomfort. " So bear in mind that this study is about autistic burnout, and that it differs in details from ADHD-burnout according to a specialist, even though its short description seems very relevant and applicable. My body would intuitively go find somewhere to sit and eat fries. e sleep issues lowers cognitive functions such as memory 15 votes, 18 comments. Still will fiddle a bit with my hands and shake my legs when I'm on my medicine, but not really at all while I'm at the gym. Severe depression, cPTSD, anhedonia, social anxiety, menopause, ADHD, chronic fatigue/insomnia… On me my fatigue is used to overstimulation. Here you can ask questions, share tips & tricks or let off steam in our Weekly Vent thread. I don't do chores at night because I work from home so I can tidy up here and there between meetings. My advice would be to stay on the same does for at least 3 weeks before deciding to quit or go up a dose, otherwise you may not experience the benefits before deciding to quit. anxiety) part, that has totally always been an issue for me as well, esp. Most of my work is documentation and planning with teachers when I really just want to spend time with the students, but my school has a counselor for one on one stuff. Total-Swordfish4670 ADHD, with ADHD family • Additional comment actions And it doesn't help when that other person is your kid who also has ADHD and loves to info-dump about their current hyper-fixation and your brain is screaming in agony the entire time but you want to be a good parent so you sit and do your best to look interested while TL;DR: fatigue results in ADHD diagnosis; medicated, still experiencing fatigue; unsure if meds contributing to fatigue now Reply reply melanieeex3 This is a huge part of adhd for me—for a short time I thrive off the adrenaline and anxiety and excitement of being extremely busy. Brains like ours are less attuned to these vague social cues so we need to understand the logical side of the problem. This sounds like adhd to me. (Although I would recommend recording yourself sleeping, so that you can hear your breathing at night and rule sleep apnea out). It is also very important to note that anxiety/GAD is it’s own disorder. What ultimately helped my fatigue levels was that I stopped working (I couldn't do it anymore) and then I moved in with my parents so I could have additional support. Hey there. Meanwhile NTs don’t have to work nearly as hard for much of this. ADHD is just one of those things I'm kinda like whatever Wellbutrin was like a miracle antidote to fatigue for about 2 weeks after starting and then upping the dose. how do you deal with fatigue? whenever i am at work (wfh for major telecoms company) i am always just saying the same thing to the same types of customers. Business, Economics, and Finance. Funny that it was my ADHD’s social exhaustion and my friends was just like ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍โ™€๏ธ”that’s just what [kathyn_food] does” We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. constantly tired no matter how much i slept or what i did or what medication i took. Posted by u/KathyN_food - 17 votes and 2 comments We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. , Try your best to be interested in the people and that can help drown out the surrounding distractions. Posted by u/sitcomcrossover - 10 votes and 11 comments Hey 27f, ADHD combined. Set boundaries around coming home. Thank you! We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. the. I am 30 year old woman diagnosed with AuDHD about two years ago, and have been trying medication over the past year. It feels eerily similar to exhaustion but I haven't actually done enough to be exhausted. I enjoy doing things alone, and sometimes I NEED to. 12 votes, 21 comments. So I used to massively overbook myself with school/work/social life etc and could keep it up for a while and then I’d crash so bad that I could barely get out of bed for a long period after. but i see things I totally get the social exhaustion (& s. Work-specific aspects, it’s good: flexible hours, able to handle rushes/stations well, great… as for the fatigue: my iron levels were really low for a while so i was on supplements, but once it balanced out and i went off, i was still exhausted all. You may already do this, but the best coping mechanism I have seen is to be totally transparent about who you are and how you process social experiences. Fuuuck Posted by u/Mean_Bluejay1351 - 8 votes and 19 comments As someone currently working as a school social worker while being convinced I have ADHD, this really speaks to me. I attribute a lot of internal social exhaustion to autism as I don’t intuitively understand social cues the way my ADHDer friends do. I’m very similar and my adhd causes fatigue, I have a limited source of energy and doing things can just zap it away. I love to be social and have a great time but I don’t do it often. time. r/ADHD’s position on neurodiversity (reddit thread) That feeling of exhaustion might be coming from a trauma response. ADHD is often misdiagnosed with patients with Narcolepsy or can sometimes go hand in hand. In all honesty the only reason I finally got confident enough to do my own game was from joining a game as a player, and getting to know those people well before dming for that same group. Individuals with autism or ADHD may engage in social camouflage to cope for several reasons, such as Same thing with Narcolepsy. Nobody really cares to hire someone with known ADHD I guess, why not just hire someone really good without ADHD who can crank out code like a machine. I used to be so exhausted by social events and finally figured out I was an introvert. Doing tasks like school work or doing errands with my parents would always make me feel sluggish and tired (I still can't go into home depot without feeling a wave of lethargy wash over me and a temptation to lay on the ground and get some rest). So, the past 2 weeks have been a lot of fun for me, but also quite a new experience to have. ) We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. adhd meds radically changed that. My dinners are a lot simpler (tonight was baked fish and frozen stir fry - about 12 min total and only had to stir the veggies a few times so very little active work). It's my body's way of catching up with ally the stimuli. Make sure that you're covering the basics, that people with ADHD often struggle with, and which can cause fatigue if they're not addressed: sleep and good sleep hygiene, eating enough, drinking enough water, managing your energy output (e. We encourage you to check out our Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! Obviously core ADHD symptoms tend to respond better to the stimulants. Honestly, first thing you have to do is stop with the pot, since it's not clear how it interacts with the adhd medication. I have ADHD and I was an avid reader and that absolutely tracks because I could hyperfixate on it instead of trying to navigate confusing social dynamics. We intend this comment solely to be informative. i received an adhd diagnosis ab a year ago, and in july i received a narcolepsy diagnosis. Being on my meds (elvanse) helps a lot for day to day. Ironically, I often feel a lot better around 9:30pm and then I'm too energetic to go to bed until after midnight. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. I'll try to get my social anxiety in check and build myself a comfortable environment <3. ) Meds enable me to process the stimuli as they come in so there's no need to nap to catch up. Grocery shopping especially knackers me!! What you said about concentrating really resonates with adhd too, I can focus for about 20 mins and then I’m either zoning out or straight up falling asleep. Many of them cause fatigue, cognitive impairment (ie brain fog), and hundreds of other symptoms including neurological, gastrointestinal, etc. And the worst is when I’m not feeling “physically” tired, it’s the boredom from adhd that kicks in making me feel depleted. Six months wait ahead before I can get fully… I can only emphasize what others have said, reach out for medical and social support. I just want to know if this chronic exhaustion is, in fact, an ADHD thing and what yalls experiences are with it. I'm normally a rather introvert person with a… Edit: Am I going through a social burnout and academic burnout? Edit2: I'm back after finals, thank you for all the thoughtful comments and replies. It’s like some days I feel like I could tackle the mental health hurdles if I wasn’t so tired. Not sure if this is a byproduct of being an introvert, or due to ADHD, but I have a hard time with social stamina. I read that people with ADHD have reversed circadian rhythms, so I wonder if that’s what we’re all experiencing. The validation you get from ADHD diagnosis and the support you suddenly get are absolutely worth it but also if they have inattentive and their executive functioning is in the toilet then they absolutely need ADHD medication to treat fibro. Now, part of that is my major depressive disorder. To elaborate (and following rule #2), I'm talking about difficulties making / keeping friends, difficulties fitting in, difficulties with following certain social rules, difficulties interacting with others at time, social exhaustion, bullying, etc. Eventually, I discovered weed which helped the BPD but made my ADHD even more horrendous. Some of us ( myself included ) are social introverts, but simply have a small social battery We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. I’m ok with one-on-on social interactions for a bit, but put me in with a bunch of people and I get drained really fast. Adderall has been perfect for me, zero side effects, actually life changing. turns out i can fall asleep in 30 seconds and i wasnt even realizing! some of the treatment is the We prefer the more specific terms ‘people with(out) ADHD’ or ‘people with(out) mental (health) disorders’ instead. Take a month off so it's cleared out of your system and see how you feel. Hi today I wanted to talk with y'all about being really tired by social gatherings and hear about your own experiences ๐Ÿ˜Š Context : where I am (Norway) the Covid crisis is doing really ok, so the gov allowed 20 pple max gatherings Yesterday was the national day, so I organized a little dinner, but people brought more friends, and it ended up bigger than what I expected (13+ pple instead of Guilty Conscience - Social Exhaustion I really appreciate the times I get to talk with family and friends, usually over the phone because most of them live far away. This is a support group for those who share their lives with an ADHD partner. I’ve done this before and ended up with a tiny social circle I’m now working to expand again. We encourage you to check out our Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! fatigue is my #1 adhd symptom and it barely ever gets mentioned. Par exemple, je serai très énergique à l’école lorsque je serai avec des gens… At first I thought it's just part of my adhd/chronic pain issues but the fatigue is too extreme now I think. You should be seeking treatment for the GAD in conjunction w/ the ADHD in order to find relief. It's reassuring to hear everyone's point of view and concerns. As someone with all of the above, one reason I need to keep moving either physically or mentally is that movement helps me regulate my blood pressure, heart rate and attention. And when I talk to most other adult women with ADHD, this is a very consistent trait. Adderall is an amphetamine which is why it's regulated. This idea crossed my mind the other day, that while autistic masking naturally results in exhaustion, there isn't really any explanation as to where the social fatigue in introverts comes from (or maybe I somehow never came across it), it's usually presented as just a feature. Depressive episodes make me isolate too. Your family/whoever absolutely should respect your need to decompress for a few minutes or an hour or however long it takes. Not gonna lie, even with meds, having narcolepsy on top of ADHD and Bipolar, really fucking sucks. it’s wild how much more awake i feel now. I looked into sleep disorders a bit and finally decided the time has come to see a medical professional. I only do social activities with friends on the weekends. . With the depression managed my Vyvanse actually works properly, figure out the real reason for my insomnia was nightmares and getting proper medication, and have the emotional bandwidth to pursue the yes cognitive impairment and fatigue are common in ADHD. So I definitely think there is validity to your hypothesis. Hi u/CheekOk8083 and thanks for posting on r/ADHD! Please take a second to read our rules if you haven't already. io Sep 20, 2024 ยท I’ve been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD and suspect that my brain fog might be linked to this and possibly to my social anxiety. Chronic fatigue is also a common comorbidity and is commonly diagnosed in people with ADHD instead of addressing the root cause of the fatigue which is the ADHD symptoms and burnout. Lindsay Gibson talks about this in her book, Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: "People with poor self-esteem have a deeper problem than they think. I'm wondering if the fatique/exhaustion when engaged/focusing on things is an ADHD thing, a depression thing, an anxiety thing, or a conscious will/self-discipline/exposure therapy thing. I would ask my ADHD doctor but the NHS is a mess and according to them it could take up to 4 months or more to get their advice. writing down things you remember you need to do, instead of trying to remember them), taking time to relax and take Have you also been feeling somewhat isolated? I’m not just talking about the pandemic, and honestly as my personal philosophy bolsters slowly over… Im like this. Nope, just a lot of ADHD masked by high academic performance that crumbled in college. The mobile apps used for Reddit are broken or are missing features that this subreddit depends on. In 3 weeks I will go see a sleep specialist. If we lived in some historical agrarian village, I imagine we’d be doing a lot better. Social exhaustion!!!! I have the same, I don’t call it depression, I’m just recharging my social battery! Socializing is EXHAUSTING!!! Even more so when you’re out of your routine, and not at home, sleeping in your own bed… A WHOLE WEEK with colleagues sounds like my worst nightmare! Posted by u/no_social_cues - 4 votes and 2 comments Posted by u/thisisaredditact321 - 1 vote and 1 comment In spite of this and other resources, I feel trapped in a state of chronic exhaustion and stress. With that, something to remember that may help is that your brain and body are incredibly adaptable! The symptoms of withdrawal are your body believing that Adderall is “normal/necessary”, it’s what your body adapted to. Knowing about the inattentive ADHD helped me differentiate my internal experience of autism in contrast to how I interact and present myself to others. Starting from childhood kids with ADHD often have trouble relating to peers because they have a hard time regulating their emotions and they are a bit behind when it comes to social development which leaves them isolated and doesn't give them the same chances while lerning how to form long lasting relationships. A safe space for those who identify as both Autistic and having ADHD - self-diagnosed, clinically assessed or questioning. Overall, social difficulties. It sounds like could be combo of adhd and introvert type reaction to social interactions. I've timed my comedown to be from 5:30-8:30pm because after I eat I can just veg out for the night. Not trying to self-diagnose but I feel miserable and really hope to get some answers soon. etc etc etc. We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. Social camouflage, also known as "masking," is a term used to describe the process of hiding or suppressing autistic or ADHD traits and behaviors in order to fit in and conform to social norms. I am the only one in my ADHD family who lives this way. it's super common - we're using up so much energy doing everyday tasks with executive dysfunction Reply reply [deleted] Posted by u/RisusSardonicus4622 - 10 votes and 8 comments I suffer from some of the same struggles, though perhaps a bit less severe by the way you're describing yours. Let’s talk about the neurodiversity movement for a bit. g. Sounds like you’re working extra hard to predict, interpret, and navigate social interactions. Literally couldn't stay awake. And I crash hard afterwards It Could add extra exhaustion if you are spending extra energy masking. Starved myself, made my ADHD worse so I couldn't ever complete any goals. While I’m Aug 20, 2024 ยท Addressing social burnout in ADHD individuals is crucial for several reasons. zvpkg rzbio psqr wan kcd pqak oyi bpzei rkgyts cqsooh nrlvr ezncqul qmwui znlpi hukkn